100,000+ professionals choose FinalScout
Massive And Accurate Database
Business Profiles
Company Profiles
Email addresses
Email Delivery
Turn Linkedin into your email lists

Install FinalScout extension and turn Linkedin into an Email list.

Export emails from Linkedin regular search
Export emails from Linkedin Sales Navigator search
Export emails from LinkedIn Recruiter
Export emails from any LinkedIn post in bulk
Export emails of LinkedIn group members
Export emails of LinkedIn event attendees
Deliver up to 98% of your emails, guaranteed
Safe - we honor Linkedin guidelines and it's safe your Linkedin account
AI-Powered Email Writing Made Easy

Say goodbye to the stress of writing outreach emails and hello to EmailAI's advanced AI technology powered by OpenAI, also used in ChatGPT. With just a click, generate a highly personalized email using one of our growing library of templates for any use case. Simply visit a LinkedIn profile, choose a template, and let the AI do the work. Effortless and effective outreach at your fingertips.

Prospect without a Linkedin account

Prospect for new customers by searching through the entire web.

500M+ business professionals from 20M+ companies
Filter by location, industry, seniority level and business function
Data updated daily to ensure the highest accuracy possible
Deliver up to 98% of your emails, guaranteed
More Features

Find the professional email address for anyone with a company domain name, an article or Linkedin URL.


Manage all your contacts in one place. Organize by tags, email statuses and more. Export to csv.

GDPR & CCPA compliant

We follow GDPR & CCPA regulations in handling business data.

Find 50 Emails / Month For Free!

Create a free account and start finding professional email addresses for free.

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