Subscription Plans

Free Trial

Trial for free

Per month

Unlimited single email finding from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator
Email credits
EmailAI credits
Prospect credits
Profile credits
1 concurrent scrape tasks
Max scrape size of 100 profiles
Unlimited export
Buy extra credits (view price)
Unlimited email verification
Integrate with thousands of apps
Share credits with team
APIs & Webhooks
Credits rollover
Priority support

Best for startups, individuals and non-profits

Per month

Unlimited single email finding from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator
Email credits
EmailAI credits
Prospect credits
Profile credits
2 concurrent scrape tasks
Max scrape size of 2,500 profiles
Unlimited export
Buy extra credits (view price)
Unlimited email verification
Integrate with thousands of apps
Share credits with team
APIs & Webhooks
Credits rollover
Priority support
Pro 5K

Best for teams

Per month

Unlimited single email finding from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator
Email credits
EmailAI credits
Prospect credits
Profile credits
8 concurrent scrape tasks
Max scrape size of 2,500 profiles
Unlimited export
Buy extra credits (view price)
Unlimited email verification
Integrate with thousands of apps
Share credits with up to 100 members
APIs & Webhooks
Credits rollover
Priority support
Pro 10K

Best for teams

Per month

Unlimited single email finding from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator
Email credits
EmailAI credits
Prospect credits
Profile credits
8 concurrent scrape tasks
Max scrape size of 2,500 profiles
Unlimited export
Buy extra credits (view price)
Unlimited email verification
Integrate with thousands of apps
Share credits with up to 100 members
APIs & Webhooks
Credits rollover
Priority support
Pro 20K

Best for teams

Per month

Unlimited single email finding from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator
Email credits
EmailAI credits
Prospect credits
Profile credits
8 concurrent scrape tasks
Max scrape size of 2,500 profiles
Unlimited export
Buy extra credits (view price)
Unlimited email verification
Integrate with thousands of apps
Share credits with up to 100 members
APIs & Webhooks
Credits rollover
Priority support

Best for teams

Contact us
Per month

Unlimited single email finding from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator
Email credits
EmailAI credits
Prospect credits
Profile credits
Custom concurrent scrape tasks
Max scrape size of 2,500 profiles
Unlimited export
Buy extra credits (view price)
Unlimited email verification
Integrate with thousands of apps
Share credits with team
APIs & Webhooks
Credits rollover
Priority support
All Plans Include
Deliver up to 98% of your emails, guaranteed
Generate emails based on LinkedIn profile using AI
Find emails from Linkedin regular search
Find emails from Linkedin Sales Navigator search
Find emails from LinkedIn Recruiter search
Find emails from LinkedIn posts search
Find emails of LinkedIn group members
Find emails of LinkedIn event attendees
Find employees from a list of LinkedIn company pages
Find email on Linkedin with one click
Find emails from a list of LinkedIn profiles
Find emails from individual LinkedIn post
Find emails from a list of names and domains
Find author emails from a list of articles
Find employees from a list of company domains
Find personal email when business email not available
Frequently asked questions
How many credits do I need?

Operation type Credit cost
Find an email 1 email credit for every email returned
Write an email using EmailAI 1 EmailAI credit for each email copy
Do a search in Prospect 1 prospect credit for each search
Scrape a basic LinkedIn profile without email address 1 profile credit

What happens if I upgrade or downgrade my plan?

When you upgrade or downgrade, your previous plan's unused credits will be transferred to Rollover state and are available for use just as usual - they won't expire. At the same time, you will be charged for the amount of the new plan immediately.

What is EmailAI?

EmailAI is a tool that leverages the advanced AI technology that also powers ChatGPT by OpenAI. It generates tailored emails by utilizing information from the recipient's LinkedIn profile. The tool is equipped with an expanding collection of templates for various use cases, which can be employed to write personalized emails.

How much does EmailAI cost?

Each time you generate a new email copy using EmailAI, one EmailAI credit is consumed. If the intended contact does not have an email address available, EmailAI will attempt to find one. If an email is found, an additional email credit will be consumed.

How do I check my usage and remaining credits?

You can check the detailed usage report by clicking the down arrow at top right corner > Usage, or visit this page:

How do I change my plan?

You can downgrade or upgrade by clicking the down arrow at top right corner > Billing, or visit this page:

How do I build a media list based on Linkedin search?

You just need to install our Chrome extension, run a people search in Linkedin, and click the Export Emails button. The Linkedin profiles along with their email addresses will be saved to Contacts in FinalScout.

How many emails can I expect to get for X linkedin profiles?

It depends on various factors including location, language, industry, etc. For profiles in English speaking countries, it's normally 50~70%. Email credits will be consumed only if a valid email address is returned.

Do you rollover my unused monthly or yearly quota?

Your unused Email, Prospect and Profile credits will rollover to the next period and they won't expire. EmailAI credits don't rollover.

Can I buy more credits if my plan quota is used up?

Yes. You can top up credits here:

How accurate are the emails?

We verify every email address returned to you and we guarantee a delivery rate of 98%.

Is FinalScout GDPR / CCPA compliant?

Yes. We follow GDPR & CCPA regulations in handling business data. In contacts, you can also easily manage email preference for each contact.