2KMM CRO is a technology & quality driven trusted provider of comprehensive services and solutions supporting management and execution of research projects for pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, medical devices and healthcare. As a contract research organization 2KMM focuses on, and offers substantial expertise in: - eCRF design and development, - clinical data management, - biostatistics, - medical writing, - project management, for both, clinical trials as well as non-interventional studies (including RWE - Real World Data / RWE - Real World Evidence projects). Since 2005 2KMM has been conducting clinical/observational studies and running patients registries with the use of proprietary, cutting-edge electronic data capture eCRF platform named GoResearch™. Currently, during more than 50 international and local studies, observation data of 50.000 patients from 14 countries has been collected by 3.300 investigators from 2.000 sites on the GoResearch™. The company has been also awarded the statuses of preferred services provider for CRO services in Europe as well as for custom IT solutions development. 2KMM holds also a status of technology partner of Polish Association for Good Clinical Practice – GCPpl. 2KMM IT services division also takes part in the provision of specialized systems and IT solutions. Our most important products have been successfully employed in clinical research projects management, supporting the sales and numerous administrative activities. For several years, 2KMM has hold the Microsoft's Gold Partner status, which confirms competence and compatibility of delivered IT solutions with Microsoft technologies. 2KMM is also the owner of the http://auditomat.com brand - a universal and versatile platform that supports continuous improvement and compliance monitoring processes within an organization. 2KMM holds certificates of implemented ISO 9001 Quality Management System and Information Security Management System ISO 27001.

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2KMM's headquarter address
Line 1: ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 3, KATOWICE, Śląskie 40-310, PL
Line 2: 3 ulica Strzelców Bytomskich
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People working at 2KMM
Przemysław Mistur
CEO, Head of Data Management & Analysis Dept.
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Monika Jeziorska
Kierownik działu usług IT
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Adrian Olszewski
Principal Biostatistician & Statistical R programmer
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Tomasz Moj
Business Development Manager
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Aneta Kominek
Project Manager
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Jarosław Mirowski
Wiceprezes zarządu
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Julia Kot
Analityk statystyczny
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Marek Mirowski
Kierownik projektu
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Maja Stogowska
Opiekun klienta - Auditomat
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
Anna Dziedzic
Główna księgowa
Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
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