Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

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The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR) was established by Act No. 283/1992 Coll. as the Czech successor of the former Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. It is set up as a complex of 54 public research institutions. The Academy employs about 7,000 employees more than a half of whom are researchers with university degrees. The primary mission of ASCR and its institutes is to conduct basic research in a broad spectrum of the natural, technical and social sciences and the humanities. This research, whether highly specialised or interdisciplinary in nature, aims to advance developments in scientific knowledge at the international level, while also taking into account the specific needs of both Czech society and national culture. Scientists of the Academy institutes also participate in education, particularly through doctoral study programmes for young researchers and by teaching at universities as well. The Academy also fosters collaborations between applied research and industry. The integration of Czech science into the international context is being promoted by means of numerous joint international research projects and through the exchange of scientists with counterpart institutions abroad.

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People working at Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Cyril Höschl
Research in Digital Image Processing
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Jan Snizek
Spacecraft Engineer
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Koubek Matěj
Product Assurance Consultant
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Melih Meriç
Scientific Researcher
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Václav Vinš
Vice Director for R&D at Institute of Thermomechanics
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Michal Schmoranz
Technology transfer manager
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Kelly Sambucci
Doctoral Researcher
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Ales Zita
PhD student
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Andrea Saláková
Manager Marketing
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Martin Smekal
Head of Technology Transfer Office
Prague, Prague, Czechia
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