Accelerating Angels

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Accelerating Angels invests in high-growth, early stage, and exceptionally led, women-owned businesses that are ready to scale and exit within 3-7 years. Accelerating Angels mission is to provide an opportunity for women owned companies to secure much needed funding for the accelerated growth of their organization. We want to create wealth for the founders and the investors that support them. Research shows that access to capital at the early stage of business is the biggest barrier to growth for women founders. We to want help change that. We believe women are leading the pack with startups that can make a positive technological, environmental and social impact on the world with their innovative products and services. Accelerating Angels was founded and managed by the Women's Small Business Accelerator, Dublin, Ohio. Accredited investors are welcome to join us as a founding member of by investing in the Accelerating Angels FUND I.

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People working at Accelerating Angels
Cindi Englefield
Accelerating Angels, Co-Manager, Co-Founder, Chief Investor Relationship Officer
Dublin, Ohio, United States
Mary McCarthy
Co-Founder, COO
Dublin, Ohio, United States
Jennifer Scheehle
Advisory Board Member
Dublin, Ohio, United States
Lesley (Avery) Armour
Dublin, Ohio, United States
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