Accomplish More

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Accomplish More is a community for technology leaders, and future leaders, looking for fresh thinking that solves real problems. We connect people from all sectors who are in a period of transition, whatever that means for them. It could be starting in a new role, taking on a new team, beginning a new change programme or looking for opportunities to innovate. We do not accept members based solely on their job title. Instead, we encourage those with the following attributes to apply: Change Our members are in or approaching periods of change, whether that be a promotion, a new role, a large programme of work or their own personal development goals. Curiosity Our members are not satisfied with the status quo; they are creative thinkers who are keen to understand what other people are thinking / working on, to learn from the wisdom of the crowd. Community Our members are collaborative by nature and are willing to offer up their own experiences; ‘everyone needs to buy a round' and expect to contribute to the wider group. Commercial Our members are technologists who align themselves to business goals and understand the commercial realities of their ideas.

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Accomplish More's headquarter address
Line 1: blue fin building, 110 southwark street, london, london se1 0ta, gb
Line 2: 110 Southwark Street
Accomplish More's industries
information technology & services
Accomplish More's technology
GoDaddy Hosting
People working at Accomplish More
Bill Trim
Southwark, England, United Kingdom
Jonathan Trim
Founding Board Member
Southwark, England, United Kingdom
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