Ace Ardour envisions a future where Profit, People and Planet are in a state of everlasting, sustainable harmony. An interconnected partnership perfectly balanced and harmonised, functioning with a long-term utopian mindset as priority. Ace Ardour strives to expedite this balance through the creation and implementation of ideas that focus on improving environmental sustainability, societal equality, and the wellbeing of local communities. We forge purpose led collaborations with brands, community and local councils that drive exponential positive progression of sustainable goals that strengthen urban liveability and community purpose. (And of course, deliver superior return on brand objectives.) Ace Ardour is a human brand with a unique and innovative masterplan. Within this context and the considerations of Ace's purpose, a superhero is a comprehensive construct. Ace Ardour's core values replicate those of the ideal superhero, Leadership, strength, patience, bravery, boldness, emotional intelligence, and empathy, along with: The Common Good: Seeking and promoting what is best for everyone, not just one individual, one party or one brand. Truth: Completely and actively honest. Planetism: A feeling of love, pride, and devotion, not just for country, but for Planet. Equal Opportunity: Individual Rights where each person is born with the rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness and Diversity: a variety in cultural and ethnic background is essential. A re-evaluation of global partnerships is essential to tackle inequitable structures and build new sustainable frameworks. With that in mind, Ace Ardour works towards Goal 17 set by the United Nations, "Partnerships for the Goals". Using a unique framework for purposeful partnerships, and keeping top of mind - Brodsky's theory of Urban Brand Utility, Ace Ardour's services focus on uncommon collaborations and cross departmental partnerships.