Achieveit Middle East & Africa

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AchieveIT Solutions, an established IT -Solution provider formed in the year 2010 at Dubai, U.A.E, offers a wide range of IT sales and services, our clients range from small and medium businesses to corporate clients. We at AchieveIT have always aimed to provide comprehensive computer solutions to defence, public, private sectors. We use technology to empower customers by providing them with user- friendly solutions that enhance their productivity. AchieveIT Solutions today provides solutions to its customers in specking according to the application requirement, procuring at the best prices, country wide installation, and one of the best after sales support. Our ideology is to be a consultant to the customer rather being a mere seller. With our strong skill sets in requirement analysis, estimations, project management and readily available technical manpower, we have developed a reputation of delivering Applications – on time and within the budgets. Just reviewing our company profession and services: - Building Automation o Building Management System o Home Automation Customization. o Solar energy (Supply and maintenance). - Software solution o Property Management Solution. o Hotel booking and management system - Telecommunications o PABX Telephone (Digital and IP) system o Intercom o Video phones - Security Solution o CCTV (Analog and IP) Camera system o Door access control o Hotel doors'​ access control o Time attendance - Infrastructure o Ethernet cabling o Fiber Optic Cabling o Wire and Wireless networking o Hotspot solution.

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People working at Achieveit Middle East & Africa
Mohamed Al Ali
CEO & Founder
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Information Technology Infrastructure Engineer
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Haroon Shuaib -CPP Certified (APS) Procurement Executive
IT Procurement Executive
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Auday Al-Ani
IT Manager
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Arun Samuel
IT Operations and Infrastructure Analyst
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Omair Khan
Office Operations Specialist
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ajmal Latheef
Business Development Executive
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
shafeeq perumunda
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Mohd Khan
Business Development Executive
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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