Advanced Blockchain AG

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Advanced Blockchain is a publicly listed investor, incubator, and partner in the blockchain industry. Our overarching mission is to promote growth, discovery, and creation within the global blockchain industry, striving to develop and support projects on the cutting-edge of this exciting field. Our stock is available for purchase to eligible parties on the following exchanges: XETRA, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf primary market and other stock exchanges.

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Advanced Blockchain AG's headquarter address
Line 1: Chausseestrasse 86, Berlin, Berlin, DE, 10115
Line 2: 86 Chausseestraße
Advanced Blockchain AG's industries
Software Development
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Amazon AWS BambooHR Cloudflare DNS Gmail Google Apps Google Font API Google Tag Manager Hotjar Mobile Friendly Remote Varnish
People working at Advanced Blockchain AG
Mark Weerts, MBA
Member Of The Supervisory Board
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Simon Telian
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Yusuf Kelo
Blockchain | DEFI | Smart contracts
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Florian Reike
sitaram maddali
Head Of QA
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Matt Marcus
Senior Technical Recruiter, Blockchain & DeFi
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ramona Abi-Moussa
Senior Consultant
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Boyan G.
Investment Research Lead
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Alp Özkan
Product Manager
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Vivian Lange
Head of Public Affairs
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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