Advanced Petrochemical Company

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Advanced was incorporated as a closed joint stock company on October 01, 2005, with current paid-up capital of SR 2,600,000,000. The company was listed on the Saudi Exchange in 2006. Advanced Petrochemical Company "Advanced" is engaged in the manufacture of plastics in primary forms, investment in industrial projects including, but not limited to, projects relating to petrochemical, chemical, basic and conversion industries and industries relating to renewable energy and to establish, operate and own industrial projects both within and outside of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In May 2006, Advanced started the construction of its integrated petrochemical plants, located in Jubail Industrial City in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which started its commercial production from its polypropylene facility on March 03, 2008. The integrated plant is designed to produce 455,000 tons per year of propylene and 450,000 tons per year of polypropylene (nameplate capacities) from its production facility.

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Advanced Petrochemical Company's headquarter address
Line 1: po box 7215, al jubail, eastern province, saudi arabia
Line 2: 7215
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People working at Advanced Petrochemical Company
Fahad Al Matrafi
Chief Executive Officer
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Fares Alzahrani
Manager Business Development and Strategy
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Omar Alsuwaiyan
General Manager, Mega Projects
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Saud Alotaibi
IT Manager
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Abdullah Bo-Aysha
General Manager
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Matar Al-Zahrani
Procurement & Contracts Manager
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Sulaiman Al-Maiman
Network, Communications, and Systems Section Head
Nahar Al-Muzaini
ERP Section head
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Abdullah Alahmadi
Section Head, Recruitment and Training / Manpower Dev.
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
Munzeer Ahmed
Buyer at Advanced Petrochemical Co
Jubail Industrial City, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
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