Aero Connect
Aero Connect is an internet aviation equipment marketplace that matches buyers and sellers. Its well-known brand and proven track record has positioned Aero Connect to lead the aviation industry in the efficient distribution and sales of aviation equipment using web-based technology. GLOBAL AVIATION NETWORK Aero Connect maintains over 5,800 key commercial contacts at over 1,500 aviation companies including over 500 airlines. This highly targeted aviation network receives weekly emails containing available aircraft and engines advertised on Aero Connect's website. WEBSITE TRAFFIC Aero Connect's website typically receives about 1,500 global aviation visitors each month. These visitors are specifically searching for available aircraft, engines and engine stands. Aero Connect's website typically contains over 325 available aircraft and engines totaling over $2.0 billion. SALESFORCE DATABASE Aero Connect's entire business is built around a highly customized Salesforce database, which is used to manage industry contacts, aviation companies and fleet data. The capabilities of Aero Connect's customized Salesforce database are endless. For more information, visit
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