AeroMech Incorporated

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AeroMech Incorporated (founded in 1995) is a small aviation business that offers an impressive range of engineering capabilities, including RVSM flight testing and certification, a wide range of CFD services, aircraft engineering and certification services, avionics kits, GMU height monitoring flights, full service on-site modifications, aero performance analyses, and CAD/CAM expertise. AeroMech is one of the few companies that the FAA has authorized to perform its own certification activities under the FAA's Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) program. The ODA allows for AeroMech to issue STCs in-house on behalf of the FAA, which allows for competitive advantages with cost and schedule on every new program. AeroMech currently owns and maintains over 200 quality STCs for avionics modifications and RVSM certification. AeroMech is also the worldwide leader in RVSM flight testing and certification services. Nearly 10,000 aircraft have been incorporated with AeroMech engineering solutions worldwide through 20 civil aviation authorities, and AeroMech has completed over 425 flight test programs. In 2009, AeroMech acquired AMI Aviation Services, LLC, which is a FAA certified PMA facility and FAA repair station that specializes in the installation, modification and repair of avionics systems. By combining AeroMech and AMI's core competencies and expertise, we are set up to provide cost effective, turnkey solutions to customers from the design phase all the way to completion of a STC modification. With such comprehensive experience introduced into every program, AeroMech consistently delivers superior and cost-effective engineering solutions.

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AeroMech Incorporated's headquarter address
Line 1: 1604 hewitt avenue, everett, wa, united states
Line 2: 1604 Hewitt Ave
AeroMech Incorporated's industries
aviation & aerospace
AeroMech Incorporated's technology
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People working at AeroMech Incorporated
Anthony Wiederkehr
Chief Operating Officer
Everett, Washington, United States
Steven Balint
ODA Administrator | Senior Certification and Project Engineer
Everett, Washington, United States
Liz Davidson
Operations Manager
Everett, Washington, United States
David J H.
Certification Consultant
Everett, Washington, United States
Nirmal Kumar Umapathy
Project Engineer - Aerodynamics
Everett, Washington, United States
Drew Hanson
Principal Engineer
Everett, Washington, United States
Nandini Gopalakrishnan
Validation Engineer
Everett, Washington, United States
Tom Roe
Operations Associate
Everett, Washington, United States
Kyoung Cho
Sr. Project Engineering
Selena Lee
Aerospace Engineer
Everett, Washington, United States
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