affshid aviation
With the aid of God and attempts of those who are interested and work in aviation industry, tourist and air sports and after years of study and achieving experiences from experienced people and masters in this field, we established Afshid Aviation and Tourist Company in Kerman and now we are acting generally in the fields of superlight flying objects based on official permit of State Airline Organization and Physical Education Organization. Founders and shareholders of this company have tried to improve this Iranian industry by making use of new ideas and using experienced and creative people. In addition, since aviation industry has complicated, advanced and up-to-date techniques, we believe that utilizing this industry in Iran both in recreational fields and educational and research fields requires generalizing this industry in our country by decreasing expenses and employing skilful and experienced people. Having this attitude , Afshid Company ,as a private aviation center, tries to play its role in the best way with the best quality and quantity relying on one of the best and the most experienced teams in Iran's aviation industry and also by collecting necessary capital and facilities and organizing its potential and actual communications. Its activities include pilot institute in various aviation and air sports, performing air sports and recreations, tourist and recreational flights, preparing, distributing and making aviation and radioactive airplanes and helicopters equipment and devices. This company proudly presents the following activities in its private and specialized complex which has been designed based on aviation clubs criteria
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