Air Business International

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ABI LTD Provides highly cost effective and efficient ADVISORY, BROKERAGE and PURCHASING SERVICE for institutions, manufacturers, dealers, commercial operators, corporate flight departments and private owners/individuals. As Advisors, the company arranges financial and data services to assist with the selection of suitable rotary and fixed wing aircraft. The company is retained by institutions and companies to undertake tender analysis, engineering audits, appraisals, and advice on World Wide Sales and marketing matters. The company also provides advice on "trade in"​ matters to distributors and aircraft manufacturers. The company has provided expert witness and testimony relating to aircraft values to the courts. ABI LTD is also specializing on turn-key projects such as the establishment of a new airline As Brokers, specializing in Twin Engine Executive Helicopters and Company Fixed Wing Aircraft. ABI LTD Operates within the World marketairplanes and helicopter rentals, providing a highly professional, cost effective and with positive results on a timely basis for its client with particular emphasis on confidentiality. As Purchasing Agents, ABI LTD Provides a complete purchasing service covering selection, negotiation, acquisition, inspection and delivery of new and used aircraft, spare parts, components, and equipment.

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