Aitech Systems

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With 40 years of experience, Aitech is the oldest and largest independent global high-tech manufacturer providing reliable, rugged embedded systems for the harshest, most unforgiving environments in military, defense, aerospace and space applications. Our state-of-the-art products in AI autonomous, cybersecurity and the digital backbone etc. enable more than 60 top-tier industry clients like NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin to expand their most revolutionary explorations based on multiple open standard architectures in which Aitech participates, like SOSA, FACE, VPX, CompactPCI etc. We provide standard COTS products like single board computers, I/O, memory, and graphics boards, PMC/XMCs and sub-system enclosures, with over 100,000 boards delivered, as well as custom integrated systems to take on the most challenging projects in the harshest environment and succeed. As a pioneer in space applications, Aitech offers an unparalleled space pedigree with trillion of miles flown in a variety of space missions without a single failure. At Aitech, we stand behind our product and customer to secure a better tomorrow.

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Aitech Systems's headquarter address
Line 1: 19756 prairie street, chatsworth, california, usa, 91311
Line 2: 19756 Prairie St
Aitech Systems's industries
Defense and Space Manufacturing
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Cloudways DigitalOcean Drupal ElasticEmail Google Font API Google Tag Manager Linkedin Marketing Solutions Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook Woo Commerce reCAPTCHA
People working at Aitech Systems
Ofer Hoffman
Global Director of IT & Information Systems (IS)
Los Angeles, California, United States
James Faist
Member of Advisory Board
Los Angeles, California, United States
David Shahal
Sr. Systems Engineer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Yaron Mund
Los Angeles, California, United States
Pratish Shah
General Manager US
Los Angeles, California, United States
Benjamin Hays
Senior Program Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Amir Widmann
Chairman of the Board
Los Angeles, California, United States
Sigal Levin
Director Sales and Business Development, EMEA
Los Angeles, California, United States
Nitzanit Bar Levy
VP Global Human Resources
Los Angeles, California, United States
Ralph Grundler
Director Space Business Development and Space R&D
Los Angeles, California, United States
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