Al Bassam International Factories L.L.C

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Since it was founded in 1968, Al Bassam International Factories L.L.C. has mounted a leading position in manufacturing Plastic, Fiberglass & GRP products. For the last four decades Al Bassam has sold more than 1,000,000 tanks and therefore it became a premium manufacturer in the region and continued to deliver pioneered products with exceptional services at competitive & fair market rates. Al Bassam Factories are located over a total area of 30,000 square meters and owns the biggest bi-axle machine in the world which enable us to run several production lines and that what makes Al Bassam the only one in this industry that have variety of products in different designs, shapes & colors. Al Bassam has been constantly expanding, it has reached to a level where it has more than 10 branches all over U.A.E to make it easy to reach for our clients, as well as a huge fleet of 45 vehicles ready to serve you at our best.

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