Alcestix Limited

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Alcestix is your full service sourcing partner for manufacturing and procurement. Alcestix stands for production in low-wage countries without the unnecessary investments and risks. We manage everything from product design, production, to the logistics process, so you can focus on your own core business activities.What does that mean? Alcestix specializes in providing strategic sourcing solutions. Our principle is to cut costs in every part of the supply chain together with a strong quality assurance. We offer manufacturing solutions from the beginning to the end of the Supply Chain.We manage to enlarge your benefit during the whole order process, even make the product to fit your market or your commerce operation. Every step should follow our ISO system to control the price and the quality and shippment. We want to build up the business partnership based on the mutual trust. Alcestix is developing the business in Spain and Australia, we have operation office and staff over the two locations to assure the market demand will be needed.

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Kyle Reese
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