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With transformer substations, energy storage systems, charging stations for electric vehicles and a diverse portfolio of other products and services, Alfen has a central and connecting role in the energy grid. Alfen's transformer substations provide millions of households and companies with energy, while thousands of electric vehicles make daily use of Alfen's charging stations. The Alfen energy storage system is used for applications such as load balancing, energy trading, frequency regulation and creating autonomous electricity grids in combination with solar or wind energy. With its large range of in-house developed products and vast experience as systems integrator, Alfen is building the electricity grid of the future: reliable, sustainable and innovative.

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Alfen's headquarter address
Line 1: Hefbrugweg 28, Almere, Flevoland 1332AP, NL
Line 2: 28 Hefbrugweg
Alfen's industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
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People working at Alfen
Erwin Althof
Technology Director
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Jeroen Pynenburg
Business Unit Director Charging Equipment
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Georgios Channoullis
Technology Manager - DC EV Charging
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Jeroen van Rossen
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Roxana Hoogt, van der
IT Director
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Ruud Bons
Technology Manager
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Michelle Lesh
Chief Commercial Officer
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Alex Thomas
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Eline Oudenbroek
Member of the Supervisory Board
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
Marc Burghard
Purchasing Manager
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands
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