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Alford Technologies is an award-winning UK based company that specialises in developing highly innovative explosive tools to support Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Breaching/Explosive Method of Entry (EMoE) and Explosive Engineering communities. Alfords also offers range of training courses, research and development, consultancy, demolition, and unique range facilities. Used by militaries, police, law enforcement and commercial companies from across the globe, Alford's products have been engineered for precision and accuracy, offering the best performance in comparison tests. Our products are predominantly user-filled, and can be filled and deployed very quickly. Founded in 1985 by Dr. Sidney Alford, a pioneer in explosive charge technology who invented the world's first liquid-lined explosive disruptor, the company has built a formidable reputation as one of the world's leading innovators of explosive tools. Delivering omni-directional, linear, and point-focal disruptive effects, all explosive tools from Alford Technologies are suitable for the majority of explosive cutting tasks. As a market leader within the areas of EOD, IEDD and CMD, Alford is proud to have twice been awarded the Queen's Award for Enterprise & Innovation (2004 and 2009). Product areas covered include: - Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD)/Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) - Breaching/Explosive Method of Entry (EMoE) - Conventional Munitions Disposal (CMD) - Demolition

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People working at ALFORD Group
Roland Alford CEng FInstRE FIMechE MIExpE
Group CEO
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Rebecca Hodson
Group Marketing
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Billy Ellens AIExpE
Operations Manager
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Kerry Knights
Customer Relationship Manager
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Jez Earnshaw
Chief Operating Officer
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Isabella Meaden
Business Development Manager
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Thierry P.
Technical Manager
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Paul Rigg MIExpE
Director Of Training
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Nicholas Harper TIExpE MIMarEST
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
Sean Powell MBA MBE
Project Lead
White Horse Business Park, England, United Kingdom
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