AlloyTek, LLC

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We utilize our knowledge, experience and connections to help grow automotive aftermarket companies nationwide. Our goal is to help these company's become stronger while expanding their teams by developing structure, policies and programs internally and with their clients. We also assist companies with growth by leveraging connections in sales, marketing, sourcing and manufacturing. By exploring a company’s day-to-day business and investigating their current structures, we frequently finding growth opportunities that have been overlooked. We bring a fresh set of eyes to businesses that need to get to the next level while strengthening EBITA and their SG&A. We also assist PE firms with potential acquisitions with data collection, suppling industry knowledge and connecting these firms to others within the industry.

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AlloyTek, LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: Washougal, Washington 98671, US
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consulting sales marketing growth business growth
People working at AlloyTek, LLC
Michael (Mike) Timmons
President | Founder | Independent Consultant
Washougal, Washington, United States
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