Alokozay Group

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Alokozay is one of the world biggest international FMCG company. Our passion for understanding what our consumer is expecting from us and what they need and what they love about our brands. That's why our brands are worldwide popular. At present the Alokozay Group is the exclusive distributor of KT&G Korea Tomorrow & Global and the sole brand owner of Alokozay Tea and Alokozay Cooking Oil. The company has a remarkable achievement in business of petroleum & LPG gas. The Group also enjoys a significant real estate portfolio in the many countries wherein it operates . Alokozay Tea is made from the freshest tea leaves hand-picked in Ceylon, Alokozay Tea brings you a special premium blend with a taste that is both rich as well as revitalizing for your body & mind.

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Alokozay Group's headquarter address
Line 1: jebel ali free zone, dubai, dubai, united arab emirates
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Consumer Goods
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