Alpha Beast

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We aim to provide free access to critical information and knowledge to save lives through the pillars within our Vision. Our Vision is to build strong and healthy communities across the UAE, and move towards platforms that offer educational health and nutritional knowledge through podcasts, awareness sessions at schools and universities. Lead an annual regional event that launches a platform to obtain the knowledge to unleash the Alpha Beast in you, to overcome the challenges you may face before, during, and after being diagnosed. When you think of obesity, diabetes, and malnutrition, you may not know where to begin. Alpha Beast provides the support that helps prevent and guide you through your journey to obtain the knowledge, support, and direction you need to make a difference in your lifestyle. We are thought leaders who influence a narrative by understanding what's needed for a healthier lifestyle. We aim to raise awareness and build sustainable access to information that teaches you to interpret health information, symptoms, and signs to start a preventative movement to better health and wellness to prevent, manage, and improve obesity, diabetes, and malnutrition across the UAE. Attract the right ambassadors to support our cause, build knowledge streams, and tell stories through how animals can teach us about healthy living for all ages. Alpha Beast offers a retail platform where Ambassadors, alpha beast members, and educational professionals can purchase sports apparel that will help spread free knowledge and access to our platforms to make a difference in physical and mental health. Turning your beast within you into an Alpha Beast.

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