Ya Ma Xun Zhong Guo

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Amazon entered China in 2004, adhering to the "customer first" philosophy, and constantly innovating for Chinese users. At present, Amazon China has established four core strategies, including cross-border e-commerce business centered on Amazon's overseas purchases and Amazon's "global opening of stores", Amazon reading covering paper books, Kindle e-book readers and e-books, Amazon logistics operations and Amazon Cloud Computing Service (AWS).

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IT Services and IT Consulting
Ya Ma Xun Zhong Guo 's technology
Amazon AWS Amazon Associates Dyn Managed DNS Mobile Friendly Omniture (Adobe) Route 53 UltraDns VueJS
People working at Ya Ma Xun Zhong Guo
Julie ,MBA
Head of Softline(ext. Business development and Account management Director), Amazon
Beijing, China
Tracy LIU
Senior Recruiter (Technical Recruiting), Amazon Devices & Service Asia
Beijing, China
Yu Zhang
Sr.Product Manager
Beijing, China
Minick lee
Senior Buyer
Beijing, China
Shushu Wang
Strategic advertising
Beijing, China
Zipeng Liu
Account Manager
Beijing, China
Rong Sun
Sr technical program manager
Beijing, China
Senior Account Manager
Beijing, China
Jack Wu
Sr. Manager_Global Selling B2B
Beijing, China
Xihui ZENG
Global Partner Manager
Beijing, China
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