Apogee Environmental & Archaeological

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We're Out There! Established in 2003, Apogee is a team of dedicated ecologists, archaeologists, and architectural historians who each have a passion for their craft. Our team of experts is encouraged to draw strength by prioritizing mental and physical wellness in daily life. From this place of strength, we guarantee our clients' success with a simultaneous sense of ease and urgency, keeping things smooth while making sure deadlines are met. If you have a project in need of our niche services, you may request a quote or contact the appropriate team member via the buttons below. Either way, we are always happy to start a new conversation. Apogee has extensive experience serving clients in various industries including solar, oil & natural gas, coal, telecommunications, transportation, wind, and several local and federal government agencies. We pride ourselves on knowing the latest environmental regulations and policy changes that affect our clients. Apogee is a Certified Small Business and an Equal Opportunity Employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.

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People working at Apogee Environmental & Archaeological
Joel Beverly
Founder and President
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Chris Swisher
Cultural Resources Program Manager
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
David Hanley, M.A. RPA
Archaeological Field Director
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Wes Webb
Ecologist/Project Manager
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Luke Fultz
Ecologist/Project Manager
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Garrett Silliman
Principal Archaeologist
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Brendan Cole
Archaeological Field Director
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Grant Maltba
Senior Ecologist
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Amanda Commins
Architectural Historian
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Kasey Cowart
Data Management
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
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