Appear Inc

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Appear is a science and technology company based in San Francisco. Leveraging advanced and proprietary material science, deep commercial research and knowledge, and in-depth consumer analysis, we developed innovative technology to address challenges and limitations in the EV industry. We invented, rigorously tested, and are poised to scale and commercialize new and innovative technology to enhance the performance and strengthen the value proposition of battery technology used in Consumer Electronics, Electric vehicles, E-Bikes and by bike rental companies. Appear products integrate proprietary disruptive battery technology, driving a stronger value proposition and consumer experience. Our technology and knowhow have enabled a robust and disruptive portfolio of B-to-B products that bring much-needed and overdue improvement to operator economics.

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Appear Inc's headquarter address
Line 1: one market street, san francisco, california, usa, 94105
Line 2: Market St
Appear Inc's industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
Appear Inc's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework GoDaddy Hosting Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly YouTube
People working at Appear Inc
James Weinberg
Chief Financial Officer, Consumer Electronics
San Francisco, California, United States
Ashwin Sreenivasan
Director Finance and Strategy
San Francisco, California, United States
Prashant R Urs
Founder & CEO
San Francisco, California, United States
Sophia Wang
Overseas Sales Manager
San Francisco, California, United States
Arjun A.
Angel Investor / Advisor
San Francisco, California, United States
Bruce Feng
Project Lead
San Francisco, California, United States
Chakkraborty A
Business Analyst
San Francisco, California, United States
Wei Li
Project Manager
San Francisco, California, United States
shehan chandrasekara
Graphics Design Associate
San Francisco, California, United States
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