Appotech Canada

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AppoTech is a fabless semiconductor company which focuses on developing high-performance, high-reliability, cost-effective system-on-chip (SoC) silicon solutions in the consumer product area. We provide one-stop solutions, with tightly coupled IC and application SW, in the areas of Bluetooth, Video, Audio, WiFi, Mobile Storage, MCU for Mobile Power Bank, and home appliances etc. Our headquarters is in Hong Kong, and we also have operations in mainland China (Shenzhen and Zhuhai) and Taiwan. Building on our success in Asia, we are expanding into to US (Silicon Valley) and Canada (Vancouver) as our next level of growth. We invite you to be a part of the Canada team participating in the exciting challenge of developing advanced SSD Controller products, taking the company to the next level of growth, and sharing the success of the company. We have multiple openings in Logic Design and Design Verification. Our Canada Office is located at 270-2088 No. 5 Rd., Richmond, BC.

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Appotech Canada's headquarter address
Line 1: 270-2088 no.5 rd., richmond, bc v6x 2t1, ca
Line 2: 2088 No 5 Rd
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