AquaNRG: Environmental and Energy Tech Company

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AquaNRG is an environmental and energy tech company. AquaNRG offers next-generation diagnostic and predictive models, data analytics, and digital screening tools for subsurface energy and environmental systems. AquaNRG has been awarded 3 prestigious Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants from the US Department of Energy and National Science Foundation totaling up to $1.4M in funding.

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AquaNRG: Environmental and Energy Tech Company's headquarter address
Line 1: 405 main street, suite 807, houston, texas 77002, us
Line 2: 405 Main St
AquaNRG: Environmental and Energy Tech Company's industries
information technology & services
AquaNRG: Environmental and Energy Tech Company's technology
Amazon AWS Gmail Google Apps Google Font API Mobile Friendly Route 53
People working at AquaNRG: Environmental and Energy Tech Company
Babak Shafei, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO
Houston, Texas, United States
Luis Rodriguez-Lado
Independent Researcher
Kuldeep Singh (Chaudhary), PhD
Geoscience Advisor
Houston, Texas, United States
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