Arbin Instruments

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Arbin has 30 years of experience as a manufacturer of multi-channel charge/discharge test equipment for most all energy storage device applications. This includes materials research, and testing of batteries, capacitors, and flow batteries. We cover applications ranging for nano-amp level electrochemistry, up to 1MW for grid-scale battery applications. Arbin literally grew out of a garage into the multi-million dollar, global corporation that we are known as today with a 65,000 sqft manufacturing facility in the heart of Texas. This is because of the advanced product features we have always offered and often pioneered, the people of Arbin and the service we provide, and the lofty goals established by management that place a strong emphasis on research and development. This balance of strength and experience combined with the flexibility to always take on new challenges and custom projects is what sets Arbin apart from competitors and forces our continued growth and improvement.

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Arbin Instruments's headquarter address
Line 1: 762 peach creek cut off rd, college station, tx 77845, us
Line 2: 762 Peach Creek Cut Off Rd
Arbin Instruments's industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
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Apache Bootstrap Framework Cloudflare DNS Gmail Google Apps Google Maps Google Tag Manager Gravity Forms Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook Typekit Woo Commerce reCAPTCHA
People working at Arbin Instruments
Senior Firmware Engineer
College Station, Texas, United States
Karis Bronowski
Technical Marketing Specialist
College Station, Texas, United States
Matthew Sherman
Peng (Philip) Xu
Chief Operating Officer
College Station, Texas, United States
Salah Zayouna
R&D Electrical Engineer
College Station, Texas, United States
Richard Rogers
Sales & Marketing Manager - Indo-Pacific
College Station, Texas, United States
Lee Tillman
North American Sales Manager
College Station, Texas, United States
Tyler Sizemore
Sales Engineer
College Station, Texas, United States
Yifei Zhang
Director of Engineering
College Station, Texas, United States
Vinh Vo
Chief Technology Officer
College Station, Texas, United States
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