Arestor Technologies

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Arestor Technologies is an information security firm specializing in developing sophisticated and uniquely tailored offensive and defensive solutions for high-value/high-risk technological targets. Our penetration testing services are full-spectrum and do not consist of the usual tripe peddled by infosec try-hards; self-aggrandizing keyboard warriors sloppily running Nessus and flavor-of-the-month fuzzers, dorking Shodan to showcase their infinite brilliance. We pride ourselves on being able to accurately assess your attack surface, and, depending on whatever scope of engagement you have chosen, eviscerating your defenses in a calculated and methodical fashion. Our roster of hackers is flush with some of the most notorious bug bounty researchers and "red team"​ professionals operating today, representing an unparalleled level of real-world experience in the adversarial matrix. Our clients include sizable financial institutions, tier-one telecoms, top mobile/web applications, medical practices - working with such a wide variety of industries has given us substantial intelligence on the types of security problems businesses like your own can possibly run into. No system is invulnerable or impregnable, and we are the first to admit that such hubris is only inviting trouble. Combining an axiomatic series of best practices with organizational education, our company endeavors to help you remediate any shortfalls you have in your information security policies, strengthening your ability to ward off attacks from truly bad actors and further neutralizing potential internal and external threats. In Greek mythology, Arestor is the father of Argus Panoptes, the all-seeing, many-eyed giant. As the oft-repeated saying by fathers goes, "we brought you into this world, we can take you out."​ Arestor Technologies is the spiritual successor of Digital Gangster Enterprises, LLC - the internet security firm and hacker collective founded in 2001 by Bryce Case, Jr.

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Arestor Technologies's headquarter address
Line 1: 333 las olas way, fort lauderdale, florida 33301, us
Line 2: 333 Las Olas Way
Arestor Technologies's industries
Computer & Network Security
Arestor Technologies's technology
information security penetration testing siem soc ciso malware generation malware analysis dfir hacking computer security physical security ransomware blockchain
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