Áreté Forensics, PLLC

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Áreté Forensics, PLLC was started in April 2006 as Professional Engineering and Inspection Services, PLLC. Áreté (pronounced Ah - Rah - Tay) resulted from moving our company more towards forensic engineering, where we use our decades of engineering design, analysis, and forensic knowledge and experience to bring the facts to light. Our engineers are very experience in structural engineering, building envelope issues, stucco issues, construction defect analysis, premises liability, product liability, general physics, civil engineering, water issues, water infiltration, evaluating storm damage, and many other facets of forensic science. We love to be challenged and will take on the difficult issues that others fear. Bring us your most complicated cases and we will discover the facts, and present them to you in an east-to-understand format. We are gifted with making the complex appear simple.

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Áreté Forensics, PLLC's headquarter address
Line 1: orlando, florida
Áreté Forensics, PLLC's industries
civil engineering
People working at Áreté Forensics, PLLC
Paul D. Tucker, SE, PE, DFE
Orlando, Florida, United States
Shane Niemann, P.E.
Mechanical Forensic Engineer
Orlando, Florida, United States
Christopher Banbury
Structural Engineer
Orlando, Florida, United States
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