Ariatu Public Relations

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Founded by Ronke Lawal, we offer a full range of Public Relations services to meet our clients' needs: Press Release Creation and Distribution Media Relations Brand Management Marketing Communications Reputation Management Relationship Management Events PR and Publicity Digital PR We also provide in-house training to our clients in the following areas: PR and Marketing Customer Services Relationship Management Social Media Management

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Ariatu Public Relations's headquarter address
Line 1: 152-160 kemp house, city road, london, uk ec1v 2nx, gb
Line 2: 152 City Road
Ariatu Public Relations's industries
public relations & communications
Ariatu Public Relations's technology
Amazon AWS MailChimp Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly NSOne Outlook Typekit YouTube
People working at Ariatu Public Relations
Ronke Lawal
PR and Communications Consultant
London, England, United Kingdom
Tolu Rachael Akisanya
Freelance Publicist
London, England, United Kingdom
Ella Desewu
Public Relations Assistant
London, England, United Kingdom
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