Arq Group

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Arq Group is now part of NCS Australia - a leading technology services firm, providing services and solutions in consulting, digital, applications and more. We believe in the power of technology to make extraordinary things happen and to create lasting impact and value for our people, communities and partners. We bring together people and expertise to harness the best of technology. Our diverse 2,000-strong workforce has delivered a wealth of large-scale, mission-critical, and multi-platform projects for governments and businesses across Australia. NCS Group operates across the APAC region, has a 12,000-strong workforce and is the #1 market leader in IT services in Singapore and Southeast Asia. We believe in the power of technology to make extraordinary happen and to create lasting impact and value for our people, communities and partners.

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Arq Group's headquarter address
Line 1: 505 Little Collins St, Level 10, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, AU
Line 2: 505 Little Collins St
Arq Group's industries
IT Services and IT Consulting
People working at Arq Group
Andrew Field
Chief Financial Officer
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
James Vincent
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Ellie Harris
Strategy Business Development Manager
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
David Sharpe
Commercial Director Managed Services
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Tristan Sternson
CEO and Managing Director
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Georgia Swanson
Director of Customer
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Gordon Bradford
Senior Digital Project Manager / Product Owner
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Luke Melonas
Business Development Manager
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Ghassan Zalaf
FinOps Lead
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Mark Airs
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