Ascentro Capital Partners

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We know what it takes to build a successful business. We understand the pressure that comes with the potential for growth. We too, understand the passion, commitment and dedication required to build a great business. And then, how hard it is to find the right partner to help take that business to the next level. A partner who will not only care about the business opportunity but also about the people. One who will take a genuine and real interest in understanding the market, the strategy and the growth levers. Who has an ability to identify and deliver the right solutions for the company, not just the right solution for their investment. One with the knowledge, ability and access to the capital options that will best suit the needs of that business today and tomorrow. A partner who will select opportunities on merit and potential - not simply scale and return. This is what Ascentro is all about. Helping build and grow great companies.

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Ascentro Capital Partners's industries
venture capital & private equity
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Apache Bootstrap Framework Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook Varnish WordPress.org
People working at Ascentro Capital Partners
Chris Giufre
Founding Director and Shareholder
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Megan Glen
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Michael Johns
Managing Director
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Grant O'Neill
Managing Director
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Drishen Naidoo
Investment Analyst
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Marcus Chow
Data Intern
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Mark Pearce
Ascentro - Advisory / Private Investment
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
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