Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi

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Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) is a university located in Kumasi, Ghana. It is the second public university established in the country.\\The university is currently ranked the best in Ghana & West Africa by the www.webometrics.info university ranking.\\The vision of KNUST is to be globally recognised as the Premier Centre of excellence in Africa for teaching in Science and Technology for development; producing high calibre graduates with knowledge and expertise to support the industrial and socio-economic development of Ghana and Africa.

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Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi's headquarter address
Line 1: private mail bag, kumasi, ashanti region, ghana
Line 2: Private Road
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People working at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi
Patrick Awuah
Founder & President
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
Catherine (Lady May) Hagan
Venture Incubator Mentor
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
Gurdeep Pall
Trustee, Trustee Emeritus
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
Rose A. Dodd
Executive Director, Education Collaborative
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
Queenett Adzogble
Admissions Officer
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
Abdul-Nasser Alidu
Adjunct Faculty
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
David Hutchful
Adjunct Faculty
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
Todd Warren
Board Member Ashesi University Foundation
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
Nachula Wilson
Director Of Strategic Partnerships
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
David Sampah
Assistant Lecturer & CRM Support
Berekuso, Eastern Region, Ghana
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