Asia Professional Speakers Singapore
Asia Professional Speakers - Singapore (APSS) is an association whose membership is made up of subject experts who are already speaking and/or training professionally, and others who aspire to become professional speakers/trainers. APSS membership currently comprises: 50 Professional Members (8 of whom are Certified Speaking Professionals) 81 Associate Members APSS is proud to be part of the Global Speakers Federation (GSF). Objectives At APSS our aims are: To grow, facilitate, encourage, develop and contribute to the community of speaking professionals in Singapore. To improve the standard of professional speaking by developing speaking techniques and professionalism, and sharing experiences and expertise among members. To provide opportunities for members to share their experiences and expertise with the community through seminars and public talks. To help develop the professional speaking industry and the community of speakers in Asia. Focus At APSS we focus on four key areas: Expertise This refers to knowledge, skills and experience, with a particular emphasis on the application of this knowledge, these skills or experience. Eloquence This refers to the art of speaking and the use of powerful and persuasive presentations. It embodies the knowledge and skills of presenting and performing, as well as techniques for creating the proper setting for an effective presentation. Enterprise This refers to the skills needed to undertake a successful speaking business. It involves business management, sales and marketing, and the skills and techniques needed to generate income through speaking engagements and other revenue streams. Ethics This refers to the principles or standards governing the conduct of the members of the speaking profession. It is the foundation and the summation of the three other competencies. It encompasses your reputation, character, integrity, honesty and the building of trust with all of your stakeholders.