Asian Paints PPG Pvt. Ltd.

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Asian Paints PPG Pvt. Limited is a leading player in the Field of Protective, Performance & Powder Coatings. The company is a 50:50 joint venture between Asian Paints & PPG Industries, USA. Asian Paints is India's largest and Asia's third largest paint company with an unparalleled network of supply chain & market penetration. PPG Industries, a global, multi-billion dollar company is a world leader in performance and industrial coatings, headquartered in Pittsburgh USA. Through this joint venture we have combined the best of both the worlds to offer technological superiority, operational excellence and global presence with local support. Our mission is to support our customers by providing superior products and services, develop innovative solutions to offer protection and aesthetics at optimized cost. Our brands are tried and trusted to deliver consistent performance in their given market. Asian Paints PPG offers choices that anticipate and answer virtually every requirement of customers / markets. The range includes Protective Coatings, Floor Coatings, Road Markings and Powder Coatings. The company also offers customized coatings for non-auto OEM’s. Backed by world class R&D center in the country, quality production techniques and professional coating advice, this ISO 9001 certifed company aims to create extra value for our customers.

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Asian Paints PPG Pvt. Ltd.'s headquarter address
Line 1: mumbai, maharashtra
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Protective Coatings Powder Coatings Floor Coatings Road Markings
People working at Asian Paints PPG Pvt. Ltd.
Aditi Jain
National Head - Purchase and Sourcing
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sagar S. Khade
Chief Financial Officer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Shashank Rai
National Head HR
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
kevin fernandes
Purchasing Manager
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sarika Singh
Dy. Manager - Supply Chain
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Jitendra Kalra
Chief Executive Officer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Anil Dsouza
Senior Manager Strategic Sourcing and Procurement
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Rajendra Jadhav
Sr. Manager - Research & Technology
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Nikunj Gupta
National Head - Business Development Powder
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Prashant Kumar
Senior Manager New Business Development
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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