Aspire Oxfordshire

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Aspire is an award-winning employment charity and social enterprise. We empower marginalised people facing homelessness, poverty and disadvantage to find employment and housing, and operate a range of social businesses for local councils, blue-chip corporates, academic institutions and private customers through our enterprises - with exceptional in-built social impact. This allows us to 'trade for good'​ and create employment and social outcomes for adults experiencing disadvantage across Oxfordshire and the Thames Valley. Through our businesses and support Team, we also create opportunity for disadvantaged members of our communities to get back into work and to become Exceptional rather than the Exception. As a result, we deliver high-impact social outcomes saving the local taxpayer over £1m p/a, reducing re-offending rates, tackling substance misuse and making communities safer. We are proving that Doing Well and Doing Good are not mutually exclusive.

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Aspire Oxfordshire's headquarter address
Line 1: 40 saint thomas' street, oxford, oxfordshire, united kingdom
Line 2: 44 St Thomas' Street
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People working at Aspire Oxfordshire
Paul Roberts
Chief Executive Officer
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Gareth Nixon
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Justin Bevan
Chief Operating Officer
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Dominique Cadiou
Head of Fundraising and Communications
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Rose Rolle-Rowan
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Joanne Brown
Designated safeguard lead
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Sam Heatman
Senior Housing First Manager
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Carol Sweetenham
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Mark Gallagher
Head of Inclusive Economy & Sustainability
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Hannah M.
Team Oxford Project Coordinator
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
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