Association for Stimulating Know-how (ASK)
Association for Stimulating Know-how (ASK) is a non-profit organisation which has been working since 1993 with the aim of Empowering people at the bottom of pyramid to enable them to lead the development process and achieve sustainable changes in their lives. With its core skills and expertise in planning and management of large scale projects under the thematic areas of Safe Migration, Sustainable Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition & Quality Education & Child Labour- ASK is working extensively in 4 states- Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu presently. ASK, formally registered under 1860 Society Registration Act, in the year 1993 by group of like minded professionals who came together to address the issues of education, women empowerment, livelihoods and financial inclusion in Uttar Pradesh. Since then, ASK expanded its canvas and worked in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, Jharkhand, Tamilnadu and Rajasthan directly impacting lives of a million people. ASK works through two approaches - Direct implementation & On Partnership with civil societies across mentioned thematic interventions. ASK, as a Project Implementation and Project management organization, has a 25-year-old history of working with different national and international funding agencies and Corporate foundations on relevant thematic areas. The organization's primary aim is to work towards empowering the most marginalized and bring about sustainable and measurable change in the lives of people.