Astellas Gene Therapies

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Astellas Gene Therapies is an Astellas Center of Excellence developing genetic medicines with the potential to deliver transformative value for patients. Based on an innovative scientific approach and industry leading internal manufacturing capability and expertise, we are currently exploring three gene therapy modalities: gene replacement, exon skipping gene therapy, and vectorized RNA knockdown and will also advance additional Astellas gene therapy programs toward clinical investigation. We are based in San Francisco, with manufacturing and laboratory facilities in South San Francisco and Sanford, North Carolina. Content is intended for a US audience.

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Astellas Gene Therapies's headquarter address
Line 1: 600 California St, San Francisco, CA 94108, US
Line 2: 600 California Street
Astellas Gene Therapies's industries
Biotechnology Research
Astellas Gene Therapies's technology
Amazon AWS CloudFlare CDN CloudFlare Hosting Remote
People working at Astellas Gene Therapies
Morten Sogaard
Senior Vice President, Head of Gene Therapy Research and Technical Operations
San Francisco, California, United States
Bill Werner
Sr. Director, Analytical Assay Development
Jeremy D Smith
Senior Director, Business Insights, Analytics, & Ops
San Francisco, California, United States
Don Mather
Executive Director, Manufacturing & Operations Site Head
San Francisco, California, United States
Megan Sullivan
Vice President, Global Customer Experience & Commercial Innovation
San Francisco, California, United States
Dr. Rainel Sanchez-de la Rosa
Executive Director, Head Medical Affairs EMEA
San Francisco, California, United States
Marnie Harker
Head of Indirect Procurement
San Francisco, California, United States
John Makowski
Vice President, Head of Clinical Operations
San Francisco, California, United States
Lovena Chaput
Senior Vice President, Americas & Asia Pacific
San Francisco, California, United States
Jeff Singer
Director of IT
San Francisco, California, United States
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