Atento Brasil S/A

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Atento is the largest provider of customer relationship management and business process outsourcing (CRM BPO) services in Latin America, and among the top five providers globally, based on revenues. Atento is also a leading provider of nearshoring CRM/BPO services to companies that carry out their activities in the United States. Since 1999, the company has developed its business model in 17 countries where it employs 110,000 people. Atento has over 400 clients to whom it offers a wide range of CRM/BPO services through multiple channels. Atento's clients are mostly leading multinational corporations in sectors such as telecommunications, banking and financial services, health, retail and public administrations, among others. In 2019, Atento has been named one of the World's 25 Best Multinational Workplaces and one of the Best Multinationals to Work for in Latin America by Great Place to Work®.

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Atento Brasil S/A's headquarter address
Line 1: Calle Santiago de Compostela, 94, Ninth Floor, Madrid, Madrid 28035, ES
Line 2: 94 Calle de Santiago de Compostela
Atento Brasil S/A's industries
Outsourcing and Offshoring Consulting
Atento Brasil S/A's technology
Bing Ads Bootstrap Framework Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager Hotjar Linkedin Marketing Solutions Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly ON24 Outlook Pardot Shutterstock reCAPTCHA
People working at Atento Brasil S/A
Peter Baeza Sanz
Director Global Business Development
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Matt Frandsen
VP Sales U.S. and Nearshore at Atento
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Gustavo Pico
Jefe de compras de tecnología e infraestructura
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Susana Herrera Ottino
Gerente de Compras y Real Estate
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
José María Pérez Melber
Global Key Account Executive
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Bruno Pavani Dalle Vedove (BP)
Head of Innovation & Agile Transformation
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Rodrigo Ledier
Global Procurement Director
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Jorge Luis Bustamante Velasco
Procurement Manager Perú
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Hernan van Waveren
Director of Investor Relations
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Aideen Kennedy Gil
Global Corporate Communications and ESG Manager
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
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