Augmented Science

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Research data is multidimensional and rich, let's start presenting it this way! We are scientist that develop a new data presentation and networking tool for the scientific community and beyond. With our image recognition and augmented reality algorithms all kind of images in any analog or digital scientific media can be enriched with additional content. To visualize content simply download the Augmented Science App on your smartphone or tablet (App or Play Store). To create new content start a project at Augmented Science is still in development. We welcome everyone to test the prototype which already features the basic data presentation functionality. The expansion of contextual networking functions are currently in progress. Join us on the way and help us improve. Feedback is always welcome. If you have any questions contact us!

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People working at Augmented Science
Natalie Rotermund
Founder & Co-CEO
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Kristina Schulz
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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