Australian Council for Educational Research

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ACER's mission is to create and promote research-based knowledge, products and services that can be used to improve learning across the life span. ACER is one of the world's leading educational research centres. Our goal is to support every learner, every learning professional, every learning institution and our learning society through our work. ACER has built a strong reputation as a provider of reliable support and expertise to education policymakers and professional practitioners since it was established in 1930. As an independent organisation, ACER generates its entire income through contracted research and development projects, and through developing and distributing products and services, with operating surplus directed back into research and development. ACER has experienced significant growth in recent years and now has more than 400 staff located in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Dubai, Jakarta, London, New Delhi, Perth and Sydney.

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Australian Council for Educational Research's headquarter address
Line 1: 19 prospect hill rd, melbourne, victoria, australia
Line 2: 19 Prospect Hill Rd
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People working at Australian Council for Educational Research
Amit Kaushik
CEO (India)
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Desmond Bermingham
Chief Executive Officer
Colin Watson
Research Director
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Daryl Nguyen
Chief Technology Officer
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Amy Jeffries
Information Technology Project Officer
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Ralph Saubern
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Professional Resources)
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Pru Mitchell
Manager Information Services
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Chris Collins
IT Security Manager
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Stephen Birchall
Enterprise Architect
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Joanna Brown
Director Human Resources
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
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