Australian Cyber Institute

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ACI helps companies master their data – BIG or small, structured or unstructured. We use advanced Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to develop solutions to complex problems. Along with our partners – INSOFE and Soothsayer Analytics from the US, we offer world-class corporate training and open courses in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. We also do high-end consulting globally and help companies build their internal Centres of Excellence in the space of Big Data and Analytics. ACI offers advanced Machine Learning techniques to search through data and extract hidden insights and micro-patterns that most off-the-shelf methods miss. All our Consultants and Trainers holds PhDs from top global universities like Carnegie Mellon, Johns Hopkins, Stanford and Wharton, and have decades of industry experience. Together, they have published more than 300 research papers and own 35+ issued global patents.

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Australian Cyber Institute's headquarter address
Line 1: level 2, 218 st georges terrace, perth, western australia 6000, au
Line 2: 218 St Georges Ter
Australian Cyber Institute's industries
information technology & services
People working at Australian Cyber Institute
Dr Ajay Gupta
Chief Executive Officer
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
John Powell GAICD
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