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The multitool of the sky ! From maintenance to take off, and everything in between. For flight schools, commercial operators, aeroclubs and private aircraft owners. The mission of Aviatize is to develop smart and innovative digital applications for the aviation industry, according to the newest developments in the field of digital and online applications. We create customisable solutions that enable our users to grow their activity, to fly more and to operate safe and efficient. Currently, Aviatize has 6 products: - IDRONECT OS : the drone management platform for professional drone operators. (www.idronect.com) - IDRONECT UTM: the drone management system for authorities and geozone managers - AVIATIZE PRO: full support platform for commercial air operators (AOC) and approved training organisations (ATO) - AVIATIZE CLUB: a complete management suite for flying clubs - AVIATIZE PILOT: private aircraft owners management system - SKYMAN: a management system for aeroclubs and aerodromes

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aviation & aerospace
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People working at Aviatize
Tom Verbruggen
Founder and CEO of Aviatize - software company behind Aviatize Pro, IDRONECT and Skyman
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Chris De Rouck
Co-Founder and CTO
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Pierre Stevens
Chief Financial Officer
Beveren-Waas, Flemish Region, Belgium
Yasmin Lewis
Content Manager
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Russell Phillips
Full Stack Developer
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Lennert V.
Product Lead & Hacking customer success
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Dave Van Buynder
Project Manager Manned Aviation
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Alexandra Verbruggen
Freelance Writer
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
Lieven Van Loo
Software Developer
Nederbrakel, Flemish Region, Belgium
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