AVL Manufacturing Inc.

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AVL Manufacturing is your mission critical power generation specialists with years of experience delivering power solutions to meet each customer's unique requirements. AVL can customize generator sets for standby or prime power applications specializing the solution for your challenging environments. Whether it be diesel or natural gas generator sets, our enclosures are designed for harsh weather and strict acoustical standards. Utilizing a standard 40'​ high cube container or designing custom enclosures are equipped with an array of innovative features, allowing the system to operate reliably even in the harshest environments. No matter what your power demands and challenges are, our prime & standby power sets will meet your needs and expectations. Our pre-configured packages and customized solutions are all designed to local codes with a wide selection of fuel systems, circuit breakers, controllers, filtration and cooling packages. Our Containerized generator sets are engineered to deliver reliable power without interruption. AVL offers custom energy storage systems including batteries, power conversion systems, controls, HVAC, fire-detection and suppression. We have a wide array of experience designing custom enclosure or modifying standard shipping containers into the solutions you require. Whether you require external or internal access to batteries or using them in harsh environments we will build the enclosure to suit. Scalable Energy storage enclosures are tailored to suit different battery technologies and racking systems as well as ventilation and fire-suppression fixtures. Designed to UL9540 Code requirements for ESS and container. AVL Manufacturing's design for a variety of applications is sized to suit each applications specific needs. Thanks to the modular and standardized packaging solutions, planning and installation can be significantly reduced.

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AVL Manufacturing Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 394 sherman avenue north, hamilton, ontario, canada
Line 2: 394 Sherman Ave N
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People working at AVL Manufacturing Inc.
Joseph Katkic
Purchasing and Logistics Manager
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Peter Scott, P. Eng.
Director Of Operations
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Alex Uretsky
Director Of Special Projects
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Ahsan Alam
Engineering Solutions | Application | Design
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Danial Rooyani, PEng, PMP, CSSBB
Program Manager
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Cherie Moskalyk, CHRP
HR Manager
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Vic B.
Transactional CFO & Business Advisor (Contract)
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Tihan Grassman
Senior Project Manager
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Vince DiCristofaro
Joanna Millions
Electrical Design Supervisor
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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