AWJ Holding Company

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As a Saudi-based single-family investment company specializing in real estate and investment management, AWJ Holding Company (AHC) was established in 2016 in Riyadh to institutionalize real estate investment activities of the family spanning over 4 decades. AHC is mandated to professionally preserve, manage, and grow its asset base in a Sharia-compliant manner, through developing and executing measurable, impactful, and meaningful investment strategies across real estate, direct investments, and public/private equities. What We Do: - We Invest: AHC manages its investments with a dedicated team of professionals with deep and broad experience in a variety of asset classes and business sectors. The team's core expertise in investment structuring and execution drives all in house activity ranging from business development/sourcing, through qualification, structuring, negotiation, and asset management. While the Company's core asset base and business activity focuses on the domestic real estate sector, our team maintains a flexible approach seeking opportunities that contribute to a comprehensive portfolio strategy and stem from a proactive investment posture. - We Develop: AWJ Holding is fostering to shape new partnership models with a commitment to sustainability standards in the real estate industry to reach innovative solutions based on true partnerships with the public and private sectors serving the entire society - We Operate: We create a high energy, transparent and results oriented culture which champions collaboration and joint initiatives in building efficient and thriving business ecosystems throughout the portfolio. Our continuous growth is developed through building dynamic and robust teams with extensive experience in commercial development, leasing and property management. And applying best practices and the highest industry standards to create a successful tenant mix within our diverse properties.

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AWJ Holding Company's headquarter address
Line 1: 7586 King Fahad Bin Abdul Aziz Road, Moon Tower, Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh 12341-4119, SA
Line 2: 3835 Daqlah
AWJ Holding Company's industries
real estate
AWJ Holding Company's technology
AI Bootstrap Framework CloudFlare Hosting Cloudflare DNS Mobile Friendly Outlook Remote
People working at AWJ Holding Company
Sherif Selim
Chief investment officer (CIO)
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Hasan Al-Gilani
HR Manager
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Saad Alshowier
Senior Director, Finance
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mohammad Abdi
Senior Business System Analyst & Project Manager
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Syed Tariq Ali
Director Of Information Technology
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mostafa Alahwani, CPTD®
Talent Development Manager
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Wesam Alhazmi
Head Of Operations
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Yasser Alshami
Director of Strategy and Transformation
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Suhail ALRabee, MIET, PMP, QHS Lead Auditor
Senior Manager - Facilities Management
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Nasser Alajmi
Senior Director, HR & Corporate support
Al Rahmaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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