Axiom Group Inc.

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We understand that it takes more than just an excellent idea to grow global market share. In today's competitive automotive world, getting to market quickly is the name of the game. With fully integrated engineering, design, and development capabilities, Axiom has developed a reputation for helping disruptive brands grow by ensuring their products get to market faster than anyone else. With Axiom's rapid end-to-end support you'll gain an almost unfair competitive edge in automotive production. Axiom Group consists of several companies dedicated to serving the needs of both Automotive and non-Automotive companies by providing engineering solutions to component challenges. Formed in 1987, Axiom continues to lead the industry with investments in technology, World Class Manufacturing methodologies and innovative engineering solutions. Axiom is an equal opportunity employer offering competitive compensation and benefits and global employment opportunities. Corporate offices are located within North America.

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Axiom Group Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 115 Mary St, Aurora, ON, CA
Line 2: 115 Mary Street
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People working at Axiom Group Inc.
Tom Gucciardi
Plant Manager
Nima A.
Purchasing Manager
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Mikail Arani
EV Powertrain Development Manager
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Larry Watkins
Senior Manager US Operations
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Perry Rizzo
President / CEO
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Bryan Nguyen
Senior Automation Specialist
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Teerth Dhudshia
Manufacturing Engineer
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Satwant Pandher
Controls Engineering
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Abishek Kailash
Information Technology Supervisor + Software Engineer
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Sergey Bousygine
Automation Manager
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
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