B L Computer Services Ltd
We are a software systems house servicing the distribution industry, with specialist industry knowledge providing sales and support to the seal, bearing, power transmission, fastener, garden machinery and motor industries. Formed in 1984, we have installed over 400 systems nationwide, from single user to large multi-user and networked systems, comprising 100+ screens. We have extensive experience of multi-branch operations, and have teams of experienced staff dedicated to customer support. Our primary software products are MAP Premier and our latest product MAP 5 running on Windows platform, providing facilities accommodating the full business process, from purchasing and procurement through manufacturing, distribution, sales, payroll, accounting / book keeping, web shop integration and SQL output. We also continue to support our historical products such as MAP4 (ELSIE, APEX Software) running on REAL32 REAL/32 & Axis payroll.
- website: http://www.blcomp.co.uk
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/b-l-computer-services-ltd