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Our visibility comes from our ability to optimize for growth and profit. Babylon was founded in 1997 and traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (BBYL). Babylon is running 2 divisions: Investment: we are looking to invest in ambitious companies in every field, we are open to hear new ideas and talented minds. We have the financial resources and we are waiting for the next big thing to invest in. Monetization apps: Babylon is providing publishers and app developers using its intelligent systems the ability to monetize and promote their application or content. Our search solutions enable Babylon to become a key monetization partner, effectively a business model, to a vast universe of software developers and web publishers. Translation: In 2014, the translation division acquired by Babylon software ltd Babylon Translation offers translations in 77 languages, dictionary definitions and Wikipedia results in 25 languages. The software is sold worldwide and is used in over 168 countries and has a growing user base of over 90 million desktop installations. For more info contact us info@babylon.com

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DNS Made Easy Microsoft Office 365 Outlook
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