Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Co.

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Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company (B.S.C.) was established in 1975 with Bahraini and Kuwaiti shareholders. BKIC transacts all classes of general insurance, the major categories being Fire, General Accident, Engineering, Marine Cargo, Motor, Group Life and Health. Since its establishment, BKIC has enjoyed steady growth in various areas and built a solid relationship with its customers based on integrity, mutual trust and financial strength. BKIC was the first insurance company in Bahrain to have been interactively rated by an independent international rating agency and currently enjoys A- (Excellent) rating of A M Best.

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ASP.NET Amazon AWS Bootstrap Framework Criteo Google Analytics Google Font API Google Maps Google Maps (Non Paid Users) Google Play Google Tag Manager JQuery 1.11.1 Microsoft-IIS Route 53
People working at Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Co.
Abdulla Sultan FCII, ARM, CCM, DBA
Chief Executive Officer
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Zeyad Zainal
Digital Transformation - Senior Manager
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Abdullah Alkhulaifi
General Manager
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Ahmed Bucheeri, CAIA
Chief Investment Officer
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Abdulrahman Al Musalli
Head of Sales and Marketing
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Mubarak Alayyar
Member Board Of Directors
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Ahmad AlNaser
Risk & Compliance Senior Officer
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Selva Kumar M
Risk Engineering & Specialty Lines
Hasan A. Shaheed Al Saegh
Manager Marketing and Sales
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
Ahmed Dadi
Assistant Manager Business Development
Seef, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
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